Polypipe’s cycling team complete 100mile challenge for the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund
Monday 4th June 2018

Cycling from Horncastle to Leeds General Infirmary Hospital, a team of over 30 cyclists have supported Polypipe Civils’ Quality Manager Ashley Bell in his fundraising efforts for the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund.
In July 2017, Ashley’s daughter Iris, then aged just 5 months, undertook open heart surgery to replace a valve in her heart. Born with a congenital heart disease called mitral valve regurgitation and stenosis, Iris’ heart valve had a server leak, causing her to vomit as she struggled to process fluids.
The complex surgery was deemed a ‘miracle’ and was performed at a last resort to save Iris’ life. The new mechanical valve allows her to eat and grow properly. As Iris grows she may require further operations to replace the valve with a larger one.
The Children’s Heart Surgery Fund supported the Bell family throughout Iris’ time in hospital and after her surgery, including providing the family with a place to stay close to the hospital, 100miles from their home town in Horncastle, Lincolnshire.
The cycling team consisted of 10 keen Polypipe cyclists, as well as a number for Ashley’s friends and members of a local cycling club. The challenge saw the team cycle from Ashley’s hometown of Horncastle, across to the city of Lincoln, then cycling north-west via Gainsborough and Doncaster to their final destination of Leeds General Infirmary Hospital.
Ashley’s fundraising target of £5,000 has been exceeded to over £20,000 and counting.
Commenting on the challenge, Ashely said:
‘I can’t believe how much support I have received throughout my fundraising journey. From a solo ride, to nearly 40 people joining me. Iris is such a special little girl and it means the world to me and her mum that her operation was a success and she is now back at home with us. Our ordeal was made much easier with the help of the charity, to whom I am eternally grateful to.'