Racescene Female Development Academy half year update!
Friday 14th June 2019

If you haven’t heard us shouting about it yet online, Polypipe are proud principal sponsors of the Racescene Female Development Academy (RFDA).
The RFDA is a Yorkshire-based female youth cycling team for young riders aged 12-16 who are competing in regional and national road and town centre series races throughout 2019.
The riders have been taking part in races up and down the country and the girls have been clocking up some fantastic achievements so far this year. See how they’ve done in our half-year update.
All of the girls have had a fantastic 6 months so far and we can’t wait to see what they get up to in the rest of the year.
To follow the updates from the RFDA as they happen you can follow them on:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/racescenefda
Facebook: www.facebook.com/racescenefda
Instagram: www.instagram.com/racescenefda