Urban farming

Growing sustainable produce as part of a community project is becoming more widespread – such as the Union Street Urban Orchard in London.


It’s understandable that neglected ‘once green’ patches of land around our cities and seemingly unsuitable areas of hard landscaping are ignored – with the trend to redevelop what is seen to be ‘potential prime land’. Untidy patches of ‘greenery’ can also suggest ‘hard work’ and in terms of poor water and soil quality, can hinder progress developing such land – or even cause urban consumer ecosystems to fail.


However, the National Capital Accounting directive can play a part in the planning process of such schemes, ensuring that these small pockets of importance are recognised for the value they bring to people’s lives and their wellbeing – not just for those who take part, but for those who benefit from the results. Designing, therefore, with the correct drainage systems are imperative to ensure that land water is managed correctly, sustainably and effectively to improve drainage and soil quality. Our land drainage systems are easy to install and can open up opportunities for otherwise unusable land – ultimately improving crop yields as well as the fabric of the community.